
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Friday, October 26, 2012

How to respond when kids ask questions

Photo credit: www.maccheeky.com

Today continues our journey of Parenting through the Alphabet. Today’s letter is little ‘a’ and the word is ‘ask’. There’s a scripture that says, “… ask and it shall be given unto you.” That does not apply to the questions my son recently asked me.
Sometimes kids ask questions for understanding and sometimes they just ask questions for a reaction. You decide where to place these questions that my teen son asked. I have also included my response to the questions.

Son:     “Do you care if I smoke?”
Mom:  “No, they’re your lungs, if you want them to turn black, then you have trouble breathing, that’s up to you.”
Son:     “At what age is it ok to smoke?”
Mom:  “When you move out of my house.”

Son:     “Can I get a tattoo?”                                                                    
Mom:  “Sure, let’s get matching ones.”

An article I read recently said that preschoolers ask their parents 100 questions a day. By middle school, they’ve pretty much stopped asking questions. I guess my kids were not included in that study.
The next time your child has a lot of questions for you, give them a few fun questions to ponder. Below are questions to get you started (www.minds-in-bloom.com/2010/01/20-question-to-ask-kids.html).

1.      What is the hardest thing about being a kid?

2.      If you could change one rule that your family has what would it be?

3.      If you could grow up to be famous, what would you be famous for?

4.      Would you cheat on a test if you knew you would not get caught? Why or why not?

5.      If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?

Encourage your child to ask questions, but let her know that your answere may range from honest to sill, crazy.

What interesting questions have your kids asked lately? How did you respond?



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