
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Motivational Monday – Honor your uniqueness

photo credit:Pinterest

Are you living the kind of life you were meant to live? Tell the truth, you won’t be graded on your answer. If your answer is no, then why not? Each one of us is uniquely and wonderfully made. It’s time to celebrate yourself and honor your uniqueness.

You may ask, how do I honor my uniqueness? You can begin by speaking differently about yourself. Your words have power, speak kindly of yourself. I’m currently reading, Successful Women Speak Differently – 9 Habits That Build Confidence, Courage, & Influence, by Valorie Burton.

photo credit: Amazon.com

Ms. Burton’s book is thought provoking and easy to follow. She talks about the importance of your tone of voice when speaking. One chapter emphasizes how inflection and word speed can “subconsciously communicate your insecurities or your authority (Burton, p.33).” This is only one nugget of the wisdom portrayed throughout the book.

There are times when we feel stuck and need to shift gears. Like a car, we’re sometimes stalled. Challenges pop up like weeds in a garden – financial difficulties hit, your health declines, and your kids are acting up. You need a faith lift and positive surroundings.

You may wonder, how can I celebrate myself when I’m not feeling my best? One of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books is titled The Power of Positive. Read some of the stories written by regular people with real situations. You may see yourself or your situation, reflected on some of the pages.

You can still have joy, celebrate yourself and honor your uniqueness in the midst of challenges. Change your mindset - speak differently, walk differently, think differently. It may not be easy, but is it worth it to you?

Get up right now, look in a mirror and say, I am somebody, I matter, I am successful. Keep saying it until you believe it.

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