When life throws you a curve ball - or an accidentally sliced golf ball |
Every summer
the kids at my church play in a youth baseball league. The league is
affectionately named, Meet Me at Second,
as it includes part of our church name, Second Baptist. Parents, friends and
other spectators gather to cheer the kids on. We all sit in the bleachers or
anywhere away from the fence line, to avoid stray curve balls.
As life
would have it, there’s no way to avoid the curve balls of challenging
situations. My curve ball started out as a pop-up fly ball, nothing too
devastating. A couple week before I was to travel to my sons’ college football
game, I was told my car needed four new tires. I put it off as long as I could.
The football
game was a four hour drive, I couldn’t chance taking the trip on bald tires. I
gritted my teeth and purchased the new tires. The week after this, my breathing
felt weird. I brushed it off as the beginning of a cold. After a few days, the
persistent shortness of breath didn’t stop, this was not normal for me. I
exercise, I eat healthy (most of the time), and I get rest. I started to panic.
One day
during my lunch break, I stopped by the doctor’s office. I told the attending
physician, “I don’t care if you have to give me a respirator, a ventilator or a
generator, I’m not missing my sons’ game.” He smiled at my attempt at humor. I explained
that it was the first game of the season and my son was a starting player. The
physician gave recommendations and we considered the issue resolved, for the
time being.
The pop-up
fly ball I mentioned, quickly turned into a curve ball. It happened the day I
noticed that a few items in my fridge seemed warm, so I increased the
temperature. The next day, I pulled an ice tray from the freezer, water
splashed everywhere. There was also condensation on the bags of frozen
vegetables. The end had come for my refrigerator.
I gritted my
teeth once more and purchased a new fridge. If I were to grit and grind any
more teeth, I would soon need to add dental care to the mound of proverbial curve
balls. As if things were not challenging enough, as I left work one day, I
noticed a thin line coming down my car windshield. I followed the line with my
eyes. A golf ball sized crack, sat chiseled at the top of my windshield, lines
like a spider web stemming from it.
Sitting in
my driver’s seat, I took a few deep breaths and said, “Lord, I know you got
this.” The situation was out of my control. I could cry, but once my tears
dried I would have a headache and the shards of glass would still be on my
windshield. I needed to let God catch my curve balls.
Just like
those kids running the bases in the Meet
Me at Second league, God was waiting for me at home base…waiting for me to
lean on Him. I prayed and believed things would work out.
My family
came through in a clutch. I had a back-up vehicle to drive to the game, we
shared the gas expense, and my son had an awesome game.
What will
you do when life throws you a curve ball?