
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Feel Good Friday – The Gift


The trucks from Amazon and UPS cruised up and down my street daily, leaving packages of joy for my neighbors. It was the way of life during our state mandated quarantine. People were ordering online rather than visiting stores. My sons even had a package or two appear on our doorstep.

Gifts bring joy to the giver and receiver. Have you ever watched a child at Christmas rip open the wrapping paper and boxes to discover their treasure? The parent is all smiles, watching the beaming smile and squeals of excitement. I felt this same excitement recently.

As I pulled into my driveway, the headlights shot a beam of light onto my front porch. Nestled in a corner was a box large enough to fit a basketball and a dozen tennis balls (for description purposes). I was not expecting a package and assumed one of my sons had ordered something.

After a 12-hour workday, my body was weary, but I became energized as I opened the package. It was like New Year’s Eve as confetti flew around on the tissue paper as each item was unwrapped. The gifts were fabulous, but more than that…was the thoughtfulness.

The gift was from a young lady who asked me to be her mentor. For her, the gift of time meant a lot. For me…finally, someone who wanted to listen to me talk; Lord know my sons tire of my words.

Seriously though, a gift does not always have to include an expense. It can be words of encouragement, spending time with someone, or a random act of kindness. While Amazon and UPS are still  delivering presents, you can get in on the action too. Your presence can be a present to someone.

To my special friend, thank you for having me as your mentor. You are a joy.

Share your gift of love today.

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