photo credit: happynewyear2018x.com |
Haaaappy New
Year! Time to crush any distractions that may potentially block you from
achieving your goals. Have you ever started a project only to find that as soon
as you got into it, something came up that you needed to address? Distractions.
Sometimes we
become distracted because a particular task is overwhelming and we don’t know
where to begin. I can tell you from experience I’ve done a few mindless things
in my lifetime, in a single day.
Just the
other day, during a workout session were doing high knees in place. In place
is the operative phrase. After 30 seconds we stopped, I looked around, and I
was part of the way across the room. Oops.
In another
instance I had a nagging hangnail on my finger. I put a band-aide on my finger,
after about an hour I noticed the finger was still bothering me. I looked down at
my finger and realized that I had put the band-aide on the wrong finger. Huh.
Hurrying to
pack my bag for work one day, I unknowingly grabbed the TV remote and tossed it
into the bag. I guess I was so excited to be going into work on my day off. No
worries, I also wore my warm fuzzy socks that are reserved for the comfort of
my home.
Now that I’ve
rambled on about oddball silly distractions, here are three ways to crush real
1. Persistence and dedication –
persevere – if you’re feeling overwhelmed, break task into smaller manageable
tasks. I like the saying, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” You
don’t have to attempt to accomplish everything at once.
2. Did in and do it – if it’s people
that are distracting you, close your door for a set amount of time. Don’t
answer emails, stay off social media, set a timer and work for short periods of
time if this will help you focus.
3. Change your environment – If you
typically work from home, go to a coffee shop, the library or take a walk to
get your creative juices flowing.
4. Learn to say no – You will not be able
to attend every office party and other celebrations if you want to achieve your
goals. It’s okay to say no to some events. This is not to say that you must
eliminate all fun from your life, moderation is key. Be selective in the events
you attend. Plan dedicated time for what you want to achieve and special
outings can be your reward for staying on task.
What are
your tips for crushing distractions?