
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Fun Friday – Momisms – What did you hear Mama say?

Do you remember growing up listening to mom explain things in her special way? Sometimes it may have been grandma or another family member. These sayings or “Momisms” have been around for a long time. Do any of these look familiar?

·         If your friends jump off a bridge, would you jump too?

·         The early bird gets the worm

·         All shut eyes are not sleep

·         I have eyes in the back of my head

·         Don’t sit too close to the TV, you’ll ruin your eyes

·         This hurts me more than it hurts you

·         Don’t crack your knuckles, you’ll have arthritis when you’re older

·         Do as I say, not as I do

·         Don’t believe everything you hear

·         Pick that up before somebody steps on it and breaks their neck

·         Always wear clean underwear, you might be in an accident

·         If you go outside with wet hair you’ll catch a cold

What would you add to the list of sayings that you have heard?
Here are a couple of videos of things parents say…from a kid’s point of view.


  1. I think you've got it all covered! The only one on your list I hadn't heard is the third one.

    Happy Friday!

  2. Dana, you can thank my grandmother for number three. She had all kinds of sayings (-:

    Happy Friday!
