
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Monday Musings – National Belly Laugh Day – 3 Ways to Celebrate


National Belly Laugh Day - Go forward and laugh

Laughter is one thing that is common among all people. Celebrate the joy of laughter on National Belly Laugh Day (today, January 24th). The purpose of this day is to remind people about the many benefits of laughter, and to encourage laughter in the lives of others.

Are you ready to engage in laughter? Here are 3 ways to celebrate Belly Laugh Day.

1.      Watch a funny movie

2.      Tweet something funny and use the hashtag #BellyLaughDay

3.      Engage in laughter therapy – call a few friends and reminisce on a fun time together.

Here are 3 fun facts about laughter that I just learned.

1.      “Most laughter is not about humor, it’s about relationships with people. We are 30 times more likely to laugh in a social situation than when we are alone (without the presence of TV, books, etc.).”

2.      “Laughter usually follows comments in conversations rather than intentional jokes.”

3.      “Laughter tends to occur in short bursts of vowel-like sounds such as “ha-ha,” “ho-ho,” or “he-he,” which are repeated every fifth of a second.”

Fun facts rea from the website deliveringhappiness.com.

When you’re feeling blue, laughter can lift your spirits. Think of a time when you had a good laugh. Replay that scene in your mind, what was happening, who was there? Is there something funny that your kids have done or your pet?

My kids have provided me with many occasions to part my lips to sigh, scream, and laugh. There was an occasion when my son was about 5 years old, he burst into the bathroom just as I stepped out of the shower. I screamed and he ran out laughing and I heard him tell his brother, “I saw mommy’s bra hanging down.”

It was not mommy’s bra hanging down. I’ll tell more about this in an upcoming Comedy Showcase (Zoom) on January 31st at 7pm EST. Details forthcoming.

If you liked this story teaser, check out my eBook Laughter H.E.L.P.S., available on Amazon.

Remember to sprinkle each day with laughter.

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