
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Motivational Monday – Destined to Win

Author Annie J. Adams

Are you destined to win? You can win, despite struggles and disappointments. In the anthology, Destined To Win, by Dr. Mary Segars, 17 women share their stories of overcoming less than favorable circumstances and situations.

The anthology is on Amazon’s Number One Best Seller’s List. My mother Rev. Annie Adams is one of the featured authors who had the courage to speak up in order to overcome a roadblock that kept her trapped in silence.

Have you ever experienced a situation where you felt like you’d never make It through? Perhaps you said, I can do this, but didn’t really feel it. Keep saying it, put faith behind it, and watch how you soar. You are destined to win.

I am reminded of an old, old (way older than me) gospel song that has powerful lyrics – Lord Help Me to Hold Out. Here is a portion of the lyrics:

My way may not be easy, you did not say that it would be.

But when it gets dark, can’t see my way, you told me to put my trust in Thee.

Lord Help me to hold out.

The women in Dr. Mary Segars book found a way to hold out, until their change came. Read their stories and be inspired. Add this book to your reading list.

Got my copy of the book

You too are destined to win.


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