
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Motivational Monday – Random Acts of Kindness


One afternoon I was at the grocery store with a friend, we wanted to grab a few items and get out of there. The less contact with people, the better. Customers were being mindful of remaining six feet apart yet shopping during a pandemic can still be uncomfortable.

My friend and I made it to the checkout line just in time to…stand in a long line. My friend and I chatted, through face masks and all, to pass the time. Suddenly a song played over the stores’ speaker system, I burst into song, singing off key and muffled. The woman behind me chuckled, then joined in.

Shoulder swaying began, along with bobs of the head. The woman behind me was an encourager, she fueled my antics with her laughter. Our time in line seemed to progress quickly. As I neared the cashier, I leaned in and whispered, “add her item to my bill.”

The woman behind me tried to stop her saying, “no, no, that’s mine.”

I tried to smile at her, but my mask blocked that. Instead, I said, “let me get that for you.”

The woman expressed her gratitude and told me that her husband passed away a few months ago. She enjoyed the laughs and my gesture of paying for her items. I learned that her husband was a pastor, and how she had been lately to find comfort.

My new friend said, “I wish I could hug you. You’re going to make me cry.”

I felt my eyes becoming glassy as I said, “Let me get out of here before we’re both crying.”

We share one last laugh and went our separate ways. As I walked to my car a thought occurred to me, I never asked her name. Sometimes that’s just the way things happen.

That day at the grocery story was a random act of kindness that was not planned.

February 17th is celebrated as Random Act of Kindness Day. Do something kind for someone. It doesn’t have to cost money -  post positive messages on a friend’s social media, help a neighbor shovel snow, or write a list of things you love about a friend or family member and give it to them.

Wishing you a day filled with kindness.


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