
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Muffins with Mom – The Mystery of the Missing Money

Photo Credit: Process and Faith

Sweat trickled down the middle of my back as the sun accomplished its job of providing warmth, extreme warmth. The metal chair I plopped down on caused me to immediately pop up like a piece of toast from a toaster. To say it was hot outside would be an understatement. Just as I settled into the enjoyment of the event, my cell phone chimed.

“Ma, have you seen that form I need to send to the college?”

This was the beginning of the mystery of the missing money. Well…it wasn’t actually missing money, but the form that needed to be completed in order to potentially receive money to help with college.

“Did you check the file drawer?”


“Look on top of the file cabinet, you might need to move a few papers around.”


I arrived home and asked my son whether he found the missing form. He had not. I asked if he had checked on top of the file cabinet. “Yes.”

I marched up the flight of stairs, into our “study room” and straight to the file cabinet. After shuffling a couple of papers, there it was in plain sight, the folder I told my son to look for. I beckoned for my son to come hither.

My son entered the room and I nodded my head toward the file cabinet. He went over to the file cabinet, moved two pieces of paper and uncovered the folder I told him to look for.

“Oh, I didn’t look for a folder. I was looking for a sheet of paper.”

The mystery of the missing money/form was solved.

“There’s a lesson in this somewhere,” I told my son.

“Yeah, I should have actually looked where you told me to look for the form.”


Sometimes situations appear to be a mystery in the eyes of our children. However, with our guidance, love, and encouragement, they learn to solve their own mysteries real and imagined.

Have you solved any parenting mysteries lately?

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