
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Muffins with Mom – F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God

F.R.O.G. - Fully Rely On God
It was Sunday school promotion day at church. This is the time when the students move on to the next class level after reaching the maximum age for their current class. The students are called to the front of the church one at a time and their teacher says a few words of encouragement and introduces them to their next teacher.
The students receive a “goodie bag” stuffed with small biblical related trinkets. The bag they received this year contained a book mark, a pencil, a card with words of encouragement and a friendship bracelet with the acronym F.R.O.G. on one side of the bracelet. On the other side was the engraved explanation – Fully Rely On God.

Those four little words on a bracelet carried a strong message. I began to wonder, were those words meant for me? Although I was one of the teachers handing out the bags, I did not see the contents until the morning of the promotion. I looked at the bracelet again, F.R.O.G. Have I lived by this phrase?
There have been plenty of moments along my parenting journey where I needed to initiate operation F.R.O.G. A number of years ago while going through a though a financial struggle, I remember my son calling me at work in a panic.

“Ma they turned the power off.” 
“Ok, I replied when did it go off?”

“It just happened, and I was in the middle of my video game, couldn’t they have waited 10 minutes?”
I couldn’t help but to laugh as I choked back a tear. He didn’t know that we owed $1200.00 to the energy company and couldn’t pay it. F.R.O.G.

The power remained off for nine days and it was the hottest summer our area had experienced in a long time. We made it through, but not on our own. F.R.O.G.
That day of Sunday school promotion was a reminder to me that no matter what situations arise, I am not alone.

Can you think of a situation where you just felt like throwing up your hands and saying this has got to get better? That was the time to Fully Rely On God.