
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday Words of Inspiration - 5 Pillars of happiness

Happiness is...

Over the past couple of days I’ve read two different posts by friends where they focused on what happiness means to them. One fellow blogger termed her examples of happiness as pillars of happiness. I took this collision of coincidences as in indication of what I should talk about today – Pillars of Happiness.
Although we all have different definitions of happiness, we recognize it when we see or feel it. It could be that warm feeling you get when a child comes up and gives you a hug for no reason, or that high you experience after attending a writing conference (oh, wait that’s my reflection).

The experts say pillars of happiness include the following components: gratitude, purpose, values, balance, health & wellbeing and support. If I had to list my top pillars of happiness they would be:

  • Faith
  • Friendships
  • Family Gatherings
  • Reading/writing (anything related to this…attending writing conferences, sitting on my porch reading on a sunny day, etc.)
  • Health (going for walks, eating healthy foods along with the other stuff)
What would be on your top five list of pillars of happiness? Your charge today is to create a little happiness for yourself or for someone else.
Below is a song titled Happiness to get your motivational juices flowing.

YouTube Video Credit: 1amOTHER

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