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Monday, May 6, 2013

Snoring Beauty –5 signs of a tired parent

photo credit: w2wministries.org

Have you ever experienced a time when you were super tired, but you didn’t realize how tired until you sat still for a few moments? It happened to me at my son’s appointment. I knew the appointment would take about an hour. I was prepared with reading materials to occupy my time.
After a while, I felt my eyelids getting heavy. They slowly closed like window shades being pulled down. The next thing I knew my head was hanging to one side, suspended until I rolled it in the other direction.

My son later told me that my mouth was open with slight sounds emitting from the hollow opening. I had fallen into a snoring state. Snoring Beauty. Except that I was far from being a beauty at that moment.
This was not the first time I had fallen asleep in public. This incident just reminded me exhaustion can take over your body at any time. Here are five signs of a tired parent.

1.      Falling asleep at a basketball game – yes this is possible to do.

2.      Falling asleep with a book on your chest – this can happen when you stay up late to read after putting the kids to bed.

3.      Nodding off during a meeting – perhaps you stayed up too late reading a good book.

4.      Mismatched attire – I wear bright colored ankle socks around the house. One morning as I hurried out of the house I just slipped my shoes on, grabbed my lunch and was on my way. When I sat down to read a story to a group of kindergarteners I realized I had on fluorescent green socks. Nothing else that I wore had a semblance of green in it.

5.      You make it to your bedroom, but fall asleep on top of the covers.
If you’re ever looking for a fun picture book, I came across one titled, Snoring Beauty by Bruce Hale. It’s a fairytale spin of Sleeping Beauty. The illustrations are colorful and of course I like the title. Ok, that’s the end of my commercial break. Back to the conclusion of this blog post.

If you fall asleep in a public place hopefully your mouth is closed and you are not a snoring beauty. What happens when you are tired? Have you ever fallen asleep in an odd place?


  1. I fell asleep in church a week ago. I woke up when I dropped my hymnal. How embarrassing...

    Have a great Monday!

  2. Dana - I think we have all had an embarrassing moment or two (-:
