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Monday, May 13, 2013

Limerick Day

Photo credit: www.blog.vanns.com

Did you know that May 12th was Limerick Day? Limericks can be used as a fun way to teach kids about poetry. They can learn about rhyme and meter and create short versus of their own. Kids who are not yet old enough to read can still gain something from hearing a parent read to them.

Below are a few fun limericks I found online.
There was young lady from Leeds

Who swallowed a package of seeds.

Now this sorry young lass

Is quite covered in grass,

But has all the tomatoes she needs.


There was a young schoolboy of Rye,

Who was baked by mistake in a pie.

To his mother’s disgust

He emerged through the crust,

And exclaimed with a yawn, “Where am I.”



There was an old man of Peru,

Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.

He woke in the night,

With a terrible fright,

And found it was perfectly true.


Have you ever tried to write a limerick? Here’s my attempt…

There once was a boy named Josh

His mom asked him to wash.

“Clean your bed and the floor,

Even wash the door.”

But instead he ate squash.

What would your limerick look like?

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