
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Musings – What do you do when your travel plans take flight?


Ladies of Laughter Competition - A mother daughter moment

Have you ever heard the saying, “The best laid plans go awry?” The day my travel plans took flight is a true example of this saying. I arrived at the airport two hours prior to my departure time to ensure things would go smoothly.

My brother was on the same flight with me, which was unplanned because he purchased his ticket after I did. My young adult son was traveling with my mom on an entirely different airline. We were on our way to a comedy competition that I needed to be at by a certain time that evening.

I parked my car in short term parking and moved quickly pulling my carry-on bag behind me. As I strolled to the TSA line, I heard snippets of conversations around me, “My flight got delayed.”  “We just have to make the best of it.”

While standing in line I texted my brother, “Are you almost here, the line is moving pretty quickly.”

“I’m about 20 minutes away.”

I slipped my phone in my jean jacket pocket and prepared for disrobing – removing shoes, keys, and jacket. After completing check-in and heading to my gate, my phone buzzed, it was a text message from the airline saying, “Your flight has been delayed, your new flight will leave at 12:30pm.” This was two hours after my original.

I texted my brother and told him, no need to rush, our flight was delayed. Meanwhile, my son and my mother were boarding their flight. With time on my hands, I set my Fitbit, and off I went to track my steps.

As I rounded the first corner my pace slowed because of what I spotted to my right…bright lights, tall shelves, and table displays. Aah, paradise, it was a bookstore. Since my travel plans had changed without my consent, I made the decision to make the best of the situation. As long as the flight wouldn’t be delayed again, I would still make it to the show on time.

Everything was calm on my end, not so much for my son. He called me after they landed, “Ma, what time are you getting here?”

“In about two hours.”

“What do you want me to do with Granny?”

“Go to a restaurant for a while.”

“We tried that nothings really open yet. And the guy pushing her in the wheelchair is asking me where we are going. He needs the chair for another passenger.”

I said, “Buddy, you’re going to have to troubleshoot, use your resources. I got you to 24 years old, you’re going to have to spread your wings and fly.”

After he finished laughing, he said, “I guess I’ll figure something out.”

And he did.

My rescheduled flight departed on time, I connected with my family, checked in to our hotel, then caught an Uber with comedian friends. We arrived at the show in plenty of time to chat, snack, and relax (well, as much as my nerves would allow before performing).

If there was a moral to this story it would be, when your plans take flight, stay grounded and remain calm.

What has been your experience with plans that take flight?


Friday, August 16, 2024

Fun Friday - Humor Happy Hour - Finding humor in pretty things


                                           Youtube Video: Discovering that humor is all around us

Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday Musings – Writing is therapeutic – 7 ways for using writing to release stress

Letters have an impact. They get people to listen. Back in the day people wrote to Dear Abby, others wrote letters to the Editor. Then there are folks from the Bible like Paul who wrote letters to the people guiding them in how they should live.

Unlike Paul my letters would be short.

Dear God – Help!

Letter writing is one way that helps alleviate a little stress. Writing is therapeutic. For me, adding an element of humor to writing can provide a new perspective on any situation.

I was having a conversation with my son the other day. He was telling me about a time he hung out with a group of friends. They were giving him a hard time about the large amount of food he was eating.

One friend said, “D, why do you eat so much? Where do you put all that food, you’re not that big?”

My son’s childhood friend K chimed in, “You know his refrigerator was empty growing up, so he’s making up for it now.”

Laughter erupted from his friends.

I chuckled at my son’s retelling of the incident. Then I paused mid thought and said, “wait, K didn’t just take a dig at you, that reflects me. I buy the food for the house.”

“Next time you talk to K, tell him our fridge was NOT empty. I always kept a fresh box of baking soda in there.”

And that is how humor makes it to the top of my list of ways to reduce stress.

Below are seven ways to use writing to release stress.

1.      Letter writing – write a letter to yourself, your future self or past self. It’s a reflective exercise that can offer perspective and clarity.

2.      List Writing – making lists of your favorite things, bucket list items, or things you want to try. List making can be fun and calming.

3.      Write a Travelogue – imagine a trip to your dream destination and describe it in detail.  This is a way to mentally escape and relax.

4.      Songwriting – try writing lyrics for a song. It’s a great way to express emotions through rhythm and rhyme.

5.      Stream of Consciousness Writing – set a timer for 10-15 minutes and write whatever comes to mind without stopping. This is a great way to clear your head.

6.      Expressive Writing – write about your feelings or a specific event that’s causing stress. This can help you process emotions and gain insight.

7.      Gratitude Lists – write down things you’re grateful for, focusing on the positive can help shift your mood.

What is your favorite method for relieving stress? Is there one thing on the list above that you have not tried?

Friday, August 9, 2024

Fun Friday - Dare to have fun

A throwback photo - fun with a hula hoop in a store

When was the last time you did something just because it was fun? For me it happened yesterday. The sun was warm, not a cloud in the sky. It was my job to make sure the 60 people in my care were safe, and had a good time.

The soft leather seats of our motorcoach made for a relaxing ride to our destination - The Detroit Princess Riverboat. To set the atmosphere for our experience, I grabbed the microphone on the bus and let the group know that their bus was being taken over by Senior Services. Did I mention that everyone in our group was over the age of 50?

Back to the microphone...I flicked the switch on, tapped the top of the mic to be sure the volume was good, and began singing a Motown song. "

"I got sunshine, on a cloudy day. When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May..."

Everyone on the bus joined in, we were ready for the Motown Review that awaited us. We knew there would be dinner, dancing, and entertainment. What we didn't anticipate was a hula hoop contest, which leads to the video below.

After the Motown Review, the DJ took the stage and began playing hustle songs, other dance music, and then the hula hoop contest. When I saw the hula hoops come out, I pushed my chair back from the table where I was sitting. I weaved around other chairs and tables, and made my way to the stage.

The hula hoop is one of my favorite activities, so I engaged. I didn't have to win the contest (and I didn't), I just wanted to have fun. And I did.

Any time you can engage in a fun activity, do it.

 YouTube Video: A Hula Hoop Contest

Go out today and do something fun.