
Join me in my daily walk through the joys and struggles of parenthood. Share a word of encouragement or be encouraged. Cry a little, laugh a lot, but know it is all in divine order.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Motivational Monday – Laughter Wellness


Photo Credit: westmont.org

“Laughter can improve your mood.” I’ve seen this statement many times and I believe it. I came across an article recently that talked about Laughter Wellness. An invisible thought bubble popped above my head that said, “now that’s something I’d like to hear more about.”

The concept of Laughter Wellness is to spark laughter and positive energies while improving peoples’ health and quality of life. If you want to learn more about this, check out the article, A New Vision of Wellness. In the meantime, practice using your smile muscles.

We can surely find a reason to smile every day. If nothing jumps out at you that causes you to smile, create an opportunity. Here’s a story for you…

My son washed his clothes the other day, which is not a new concept for him. Afterall, he is a responsible young adult. However, when I opened the door to our compact laundry room, it looked like the aftermath of fireworks display or a kaleidoscope that popped open. I said, “buddy, did you pull your clothes from the dryer and toss them in the air?”

This laundry episode reminded me of a picture book titled, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. My spoof of this title would be, Don’t Let Your Son Do the Laundry. Better yet it could be a spin-off of the picture book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. You may be familiar with this book. The mouse was given a cookie, then he wanted milk to go with it. When he received the milk, he wanted something else.

In my story the main character would be a lion named Larry and the book would be titled – If you give Larry Laundry. Larry is a lion who roars about everything. He roars about cleaning his room, her roars about making his bed, but most of all he roars about doing laundry. What happens if you give Larry laundry to wash?

If you give Larry laundry to wash…he’ll want to use all of the laundry detergent.

Once he uses all of the laundry detergent…the washing machine will overflow, and he’ll need to use all of the clean towels to soak up the water and suds.

Guess what? I just made up this scenario as I’m typing this blog post. It is not well thought out, but it brought a smile to  my face, and could turn into a fun story for a child.

What does all this have to do with laughter wellness? It’s about finding something that makes you smile and lightens your mood.

How will you use laughter today to lighten your mood, and set off positive energies?

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