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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Susanna Leonard Hill's 7th Annual Holiday Contest

Photo Credit: Brantford Mayor Chris Friel

Susanna Leonard Hill is hosting, yet another writing contest. The 7th Annual Holiday Contest is underway. This story has to be 250 words (or less) and must center on the theme – A Holiday Surprise. Thanks for stopping by to check out my story (245 words).

The Christmas Moosical Mix-up

Clomping through the deep dark woods was a tall figure with knocky, knobby knees. Melvin Moose was no ordinary moose. He was a show moose. He liked to show off.

Most of all, Melvin wanted a starring role in the Christmas pageant. There was one wooly thing standing in his way.

“Baaaa, auditions for the paaageant will begin soon,” said sheep. Sheep was the star of the show last year. This year she was in charge of auditions.  

Melvin clip-clopped to the stage for his audition. The other animals watched.
He danced, but not very well.

He sang – Huuuuuu, ga-wunk, ga-wunk. Singing was not his speciality.

He even tried reciting a poem. “T'was the flight before Christmas…um, fright before Christmas.” He forgot the words.

“Come baaack tomorrow for one more audition,” sheep announced to the crowd.

Melvin knew sheep was upset, her wool looked like balls of yarn. It was not her best look.

Melvin clip-clopped back to the open forest and practiced his talent. He danced on his toes. His singing was thunderous. He recited story to the forest animals.

The next day, Melvin Moose trip-tropped to the stage with his antlers held high and recited a story. “Baa, black sheep, have you any wool?”

Next Melvin tapped his hooves and shook his rump. He baaaed out a Christmas song.

Sheep joined in, “Huuuuuu, ga-wunk, ga-wunk.”

Melvin and Sheep clapped hooves and took a bow.

Melvin said, “Next year, I will run the paaageant.”


  1. Glad to see Melvin "got his act together." Good luck!

  2. It's nice that Melvin and Sheep could appreciate the things in each other that makes them unique!

  3. Melvin thinking ahead! Smart moose. I'm sure he will run the show next year :) Cute story! best of luck in the contest.

  4. Loved Melvin's dedication and his "knocky, knobby knees." Nice work, Angela!

  5. Hahaha! I love Melvin, Angela! How can you not love a "show moose"? Forget show dogs and horses! :) I admire his dedication to being in the pageant in spite of his unidentifiable talent - I think being determined is his talent :) Both his personality and Sheep's come through so well! Thanks for a delightful story!

    1. Thanks Susanna. Keep hosting the contests, it keeps everyone working on our craft.
